A Homeless Witnessed Mexico City Metro Overpass Collapse: Heard a Loud Noise
|MEXICO– A homeless guy who sleeps under the Mexico City metro overpass , says he heard a loud metal noise of the overpass rails that shook the ground where he was, a minute before the train passed and collapse. This is the first time in Mexico’s metro history, that an accident of this magnitude happens, and oddly right a month before Mexico’s nation wide elections.
Miguel, the homeless man, said that after he heard the noise that shook the ground, he had time to get up and walk away before the train passed and went down. There are many speculations as to what happened, and one of them is suspicion that the train fatal train accident could have been a planned attack orchestrated by the opposition– a month before the upcoming June elections.
It turns out, the accident happened in an elevated train section that was built by the current secretary of exterior, Marcelo Ebard, when he was city mayor and whom is expected to be chosen to be the next presidential candidate for the 2024 election. Ebrard was in Russia just a few days ago to negotiate bilateral relationships with Rusia in commerce, science, technology, and educational.
City mayor, Claudia Shianbund, explained that there are daily inspections to the train(metro), and the structure was fully inspected, and passed inspection, a few months before last night’s accident.

International news media and Mexico’s conservative corporate media immediately began to report that the city was told the train’s structure was in bad conditions, and the city didn’t do anything. While Shianbund contradicts that those statements by the media.
Claudia Shianbund has also been considered as a possible presidential candidate. This terrible event where 23 people die, has been now used by the opposition as a political blame game on both possible future candidates blame both, Ebrard and Shianbund.
Of course, the other possibility is that the earthquake of 2017 did some damage to the structure, and the inspectors are either incompetent or not truthful.
The investigation will be conducted by local authorities, engineers as well as one international inspector, and the investigation is on-going at this moment of this report.