Was corruption behind the California pipeline oil spill?

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Starfish on Oil Rig Ellen underwater structure, covered in invertebrate life.

HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA– Did greed and corruption cause the California pipeline oil spill? Why didn’t the investors maintain it? These are some of the questions posted on the social networks. Photos posted by environmental group Ocean Light, shows a possible explanation of the progressive deterioration of the California pipeline, created by years-long of coral built-up around the pipeline. It still a mystery to why the local authorities, or the regulatory body of the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement didn’t inspect it, report the invertebrate life, and cleanup the pipelines.

The oil company, which the news media won’t mention by name, and its investors are responsible for knowing about the coral buildup around the pipeline, and  for not allocating money for the cleanup and maintenance of the pipeline.

“The oil pipeline is connected to Platform (oil rig) Elly which is connected by a walkway to Platform Ellen. Elly processes production from Platforms Ellen and Eureka.” Ocian Light

By observing the photos taken by the environmental group Ocean Light  group, it’s quite noticeable how the lack of maintenance allowed the coral to take over patches of the California  pipeline, and it was a matter of time before a whole will created an oil spill. The company in charge of maintaining the pipeline, Amplify Energy Co. its CEO, David J. Sambrooks made 1.2 million a year in fiscal year 2018.

Oil Rig Ellen underwater structure covered in invertebrate life.
Source: http://www.oceanlight.com/platform_ellen_photo.html

Oil Rig Ellen underwater structure covered in invertebrate life, Long Beach, California Starfish on Oil Rig Ellen underwater structure, covered in invertebrate life, Long Beach, CaliforniaOil Rig Ellen underwater structure covered in invertebrate life, Long Beach, California Oil Rig Ellen underwater structure covered in invertebrate life, Long Beach, California


CNN website (not TV) put an article blaming the serving contractor company Amplify Energy, but in 2019 Amplify Energy was almost Bankrupt, so it merged with Midstates Petroleum Company, Inc.(MPC), and its CEO received a 1.5 million anual salary. On their website MPC states that ONLY serves 5 oil companies: Chevron, Exxon Mobil, Texaco, Marathon and Citgo.

CNN reporting of the oil pipeline during that day was a comedy. First, CNN Money blames Amplify Energy and calls it “a small local company.” Then later in the day CNN publishes another article this time blaming the birds (let’s remember the pipeline is located 80 feet under water) “California oil spill caused dead birds and fish…”  https://t.co/kZ7okd9Nqn

The six hours later CNN published another article blaming an entirely different company Beta Operating Co.

Two days letter, CNN and other media outlets, also blamed an anchor from a ship.

Protestors from varios environmental groups  are calling for change and protection the environment, and they oppose the continued offshore drilling.

After the underwater pipeline leak, which caused a massive oil spill along the coast of California, local residents are still suffering from the after-effects. Beaches reopened this week for the first time since the spill occurred on October 2.

Question is which of those five oil companies the pipeline in California belongs to, and what really caused the leak? Birds? Ships passing by? Lack of federal inspection? Or bad management?

Sources https://t.co/oCAb99Jj6S, CBS



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