Apple’s Siri allows racist word to describe the President of Mexico AMLO

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A racist and classist campaign launched by México’s corrupt interest groups reached Apple’s siri algorithms allowing users to ask “Who is Shit” (Quien es Cacas). To what siri responds: President Andrés Manuel López Obrador ( AMLO), president of Mexico.“

This began when the president Lopez Obrador was talking about the endemic corrupción in Mexico, in that the goal is to vilify corrupt people whom for decades had run the government and destroyed Mexico’s social fabric for the last 35 years.

One example of that is the most recent scandal of the arrest of former National Security secretary Garcia Luna and former oil company Pemex’s CEO Emilio Lozoya.

The president used a baby saying at one of his public events and called corrupt people Fuchi-caca which means yucky-poop as a joke or as slip of the tong, since he usually calls corruption Fichi-wakala which means yucky-yuck.

How Apple allowed Suri to mark the new progressive President of Mexico as “shit” has many Mexicans offended.

Mexico’s beloved President Lopez Obrador is the first democratic President of Mexico in 70 years with an approval rating of 72%. He has been compared to Bernie Sanders.

The racist and classist offensive word to describe AMLO has been used by social media paid troll Farms as a political weapon.

For Mexicans this is a dagger in their core history. A flashback historic repetition of the time when Benito Juarez, the first indigenous won the presidency of Mexico in 1858.

The bourgeois called Fi-fis, which were the elites of that time and defendants of spanish, used to say “I have to take a Juarez” everytime they need to go to the toilet. Juarez in reference to the indegenous President Juarez, one of Mexico’s symbolic heros of Independence.

U.S. congress woman, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez AOC, recently questioned Mark Zuckerberg on his company’s Facebook involvement in controlling, monitoring, and interference political perception and propaganda. In other words the use of technology and social media to manipulate bias political perception.

But regardless of all the complaints about Facebooks mismanagement of political mismanagement, never ever has been a case where an Internet company such as Google uses their proprietary device as a weapon, as an example, to call President Donald Trump garbage or shit by a technology directly controlled by Google.

But how were the perpetrators able to do this?

Mexico corrupt groups are very upset about the crack down on Corruption AMLO is executing, mostly his government is targeting former government officials who were working with Carrels like the case of ex National Security secretary Garcia Luna, now arrested by the FBI in Texas. And white collar crimes such as the 800 billion dollars embezzled by former Pemex’s CEO Emilio Lozoya who was arrested this week in Spain after months in the run.

Those are the groups behind constant disinformation attacks agasit the President.
And Wikipedia is also to blame since not only allowed the creation of the smear page agaist AMLO, but Wikipedia has been accused of political Bias by tablisment neoliberal democratas.

El Democrata newspaper explains that a page in Wikipedia was created and named “El Cacas” to which a re-directional to the president’s Wikipedia page was set up. That page since then has been deleted by Wikipedia on February 13, yet the cache exists in Google and Wikipedia.

At the end of the day, Apple should be able to quickly respond to a violation of their terms of use or mistakes that weaponizes the siri technology for political hits.
But this is not the first time Apple gets people upset.

Last year, consumers accused Apple of illegal conduct in a class action lawsuit filed against the company over allegations Siri quality control contractors eavesdropped on personal conversations without users’ consent.

In another incident The Guardia reported Apple programmed Siri to be anti abortion and have many women upset about the conservative bias at the core of Apple’s technology and corporate culture.

This publicaron contacted Apple’s corporate communication department for comment about this situation with their technology who is violating their terms use of service of not creating social unrest among Mexicans.

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