BMW announces mega robot-run i-Factory in Mexico. The New Neoliberalism 2.0 aka, 4th Industrial revolution, is here

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Today in a ceremony with german executives and Mexico’s president AMLO, BMW announced its new Factory in the state of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. With almost all robots and very few employees, the plant is called “BMW i-Factory.”

This is what Germany’s BMW calls “BRINGING JOBS TO MEXICO using 90% machines and the use of digital twins workers.👇

The i-Factory that began construction in 2019 and cost $1 billion dollars, it’s now finished and will manufacture electric cars that 80% of Mexican will never be able to afford it, but those cars are expected to be sold to upper-class Americans, since reports show that 68% of Americans live pay-check to pay-check. In addition, most of Americans don’t have $400 in savings for emergencies and struggle afford luxury electric cars– or any new cars at all.

On top of that, there is a global car part shortage because manufacturers are investing more in the electric car gold rush. Therefore, insurance companies currently struggle to repair customer’s cars, making the lives of working-class people even more difficult..

In a video of BMW’s i-Factory in Mexico, only two employees can be seen: one is doing robot tuneup, the other is just the cleaning man.

Many critics fear this 4th industrial revolution, which was engineered by Wall Street and European financial institutions, could cause the jobs of 70% workers on the planet– in the very near future.

BMW eFactory Mexico

BMW Group production use of big data has developed more than 200 AI-based applications, and plans to use workers connected to sensors to control digital twins. This digital twin is a machine that imitates the movements of the human twin and this way BMW can pay one employee for the price of two.


BMW’s board member for production, Oliver Zipse, said “The new plant in San Luis Potosi [Mexico] is an important pillar of the BMW Group’s global production strategy.” He added “Plant San Luis Potosi will significantly boost our regional production flexibility in the American continent. From here, we are delivering our locally produced BMW 3-Series Sedan to customers worldwide.”

Top BMW executives talked about big data digitalization,  and A.I., in its iFactories, and there are plans to roduce 2 million electric cars by 2024 and 50% of its global electric car production by 2030. And while talking about how Mexico will benefit from BMW’s trickle-down economics of creating 500+ jobs in the future for the state of San Luis Potosi, the Mexican President gave a stark contrast speech when he compared Mexico’s new economic model of Trickle-up economics, with what he called BMW’s trickle-down-economics a falacy.

President Lopez Obrador gave a poignant explanation of how curtailing luxury or unnecessary federal government spending and banning corruption, geberates an immense savings to the public budger– a budget that is now used for social programs aimed to bring out of poverty 35 million families in Mexico which is broadly 70% of all Mexicans.

Very diplomatically, the president of Mexico explained to BMW’s execitives how foreigh invesment genertes small numbers of “job creation” with low salaries, and for decades it has helped the economy little to nothing.

The president told BMW executives how the neoliberal tricke-down economics is a fallacy,

“It’s not correct to think that wealth is like rain, that if it rains hard at the top, it will drip down to the bottom, as if wealth where contagious — and only the “market” is going to be able to improve people’s economic problems and society as a hole will leave better. I consider that a fallacy because wealth is not permeable. He continued to lecture BMW executives, “wealth doesn’t drip down. Countries with large inequality like ours, if the drip begins to fill in the bucket, many [rich companies] use another bucket and the drip never trickles down.” This is why tje state needs to intervine to help working familes.

By comparison, Lopez Obrador’s speech list the millions of jobs hisbgiverment has generated since he took office in 2019, with the help of programs such as a national marshal plan tobdevelop bridges, airpoets, highways, 500 universities, national abks, national free internet infastructire Plus,  universal senior-citizen pensions, free health care, double the minimum wage, free college and free tuition, paid training / internships for the youth, re-forestation jobs (one million trees), farming subsidies, gas subsidies, among other programs.

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