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At today’s press conference, the President of Mexico, Lopez Obrador, or AMLO as he is known, asked 60 million legal Hispanics living in the U.S. –which is almost 20% of the US population–not to vote for candidates who promote hatred and racism against Mexico as a political tool during the political campaigns for this year’s midterms.

Of those 60 million legal U.S. hispanics in the U.S., 40 million of them are Mexicans with deep roots in their culture who follow and love the Mexican President which Morning Consult places Lopez Obrador as the second most approved president in the worldwith 71% , after President Modi of India with 77%.

During his press conference, AMLO explained that Mexico is again being used as a political tactic during this year’s mid-term elections in the Mexican or Latin American US.

AMLO reminded all US candidates of the influence he has over the vast Latino community in the United States.

“We are no longer going to allow any party or candidate from the United States to use Mexico as a piñata in the upcoming elections this year–just to make a political dent out of the racist phobias that exist in that country.”

The president also called for respect, “The United States has to treat us with respect just as we do with them,”

The Mexican president asked Mexicans in that country, and all Hispanics who have US citizenship and vote in US elections, to monitor racist rhetoric and attacks against Mexico and Latin America. I told the 60 million Latinos in the US, “ to see if Mexico or any country in Latin America and the Caribbean is being mistreated that they do not vote for those parties and for those candidates — whether from the Democratic Party or the Republican Party . “

López Obrador asked Latinos in the US not to forget their origins and mentioned a phrase from the Ruben Bldes song, he told them ” he who does not love his country does not love his mother .”

Also, President Lopez Obrador said that right there in his daily national press conference broadcasts, they will monitor the US candidate or political party that exceeds and offends Mexico. I emphasize, “here we are going to mention it” and exhibit .

The president asks Mexican-Americans and the entire Latino community to help monitor demonstrations of discrimination and racism against Mexico during the political campaigns leading up to this year’s elections.

AMLO diplomatically reminded the candidates of the Democratic and Republican parties that there are more than 40 million Mexicans with Mexican citizenship, and that Mexicans are the largest Hispanic community in the US, ahead of Cubans and Puerto Ricans.

The Cuban Brothers are 40 million Mexican-Americans, and the Puerto Ricans are 5 million. Mexico is in the first place ”, this is the order of Latino influence in the United States.

We have to defend our Latin American brothers from El Salvador de Honduras from Guatemala and the entire continent .” the president concluded.

Source: Press conference.

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