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After several weeks of public testimonies in the Johnny Depp case, more and more clear the case demonstrates the flaws in the MeToo movement.

What has been uncovered for the whole world to see during Depp’s court case is not only how men can be victims of domestic violence, but how a polarized social movement, like the MeToo movement can be use as a weapon to destroy lives, reputations, and successful careers.

When Johnny Depp’s ex-wife, Amber Heard, whose psychologist diagnosed her with histrionic personality disorder, wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post 9accusing him of physical domestic violence at the peak of the #metoo moment in 2016, the entertainment industrial complex and news media jumped to cover the scandal without questioning her op-ed or ask for more evidence.

All the media outlets repeated the story and within weeks Johnny Depp’s impeccable career and reputation ended, and so did his 25-year career as an actor. Expert testimonies explain that Pirates of the Caribbean dropped Depp from its franchise, causing him a $40 million loss in earnings.

Many other media studios closed their doors to the talented actor, who was now called by the media a “wife beater.” In a short period of time, the media controlled the court of public opinion and without a trial, Johnny Depp was sentenced to guilty without a charge.

“Everything was out of control and I had no voice. ” Johnny Depp.

Fast-forward to today Depp’s defamation court case and the revelations from endless testimonies and voice recording, have shocked the world about the abhorrent domestic physical and psychological violence Johnny Depp suffer at the hands of his now ex-wife Amber Heard-, Yet, some entertainment publications continue to act reluctant to recognize that the MeToo movement has flaws, in that it can be exploited and use as a weapon, but the media can’t seem to come to terms to admit they were wrong.

So far the evidence of Johnny Depp’s abuse at the hands of his ex-wife range from verbal abuse, extreme psychological abuse, and constant physical beating that eventually landed him in the emergency room when she cut his finger off and defaced him with a cigarette she put off in his chick.

Here is the latest video testimony where the plaintiff plays an audio voice of Amber Heard admitting her constant beating to Johnny Depp.

Among the list of attacks towards Johnny includes photos of Amber defecated in Johnny’s bed after she beat him up in the face, the head, and his body several times one night, something that was repeated several times during their marriage.

Shockingly, in recent testimony ACLU admits in testimony that it wrote Amber Heard’s op-ed against Johnny Depp,! and released it two days after Depp’s mother passed away.

The #metoo movement was so politically important that they didn’t care who they were taking down. In the Johnny Depp case, the evidence of him being the victim of domestic abuse is overwhelming.

The ACLU and all the other outlets who weaponized the lie to promote #metoo are now reluctant to admit they made a mistake.

The Johnny Depp case discloses a bigger problem in our current civilized society, and it shows cracks demonstrating its deterioration. And the question now is, how do we move forward in a society that has become ill and morality bankrupt?

A society that has become the reflection of their leaders and its media, a society that finds it easy to quickly react with anger and hate without questioning or asking for context or even more evidence –before passing hard judgment onto others.

How do we stop these emotions from continuing to fester, divide us and push us into the abyss of movements or groups that are then exploited by dishonest actors who use these movements to profit, to win, or to anchor more division and hate among us.

Johnny Depp might win his case and recuperate part of his dignity, but the damage is done, and don’t think his career opportunities will come back as they were before. He is yet another victim without a voice of our ferocious social decadency.

The jury found in favor of Depp on all counts, indicating that the seven-member panel did not credit Heard’s allegations of domestic violence and sexual assault.

The jury gave me my life back. I am truly humbled,” and he added, “From the very beginning, the goal of bringing this case was to reveal the truth, regardless of the outcome. Speaking the truth was something that I owed to my children and to all those who have remained steadfast in their support of me.”

said Depp.



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