Women protest against femicide turns violent in Mexico

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MEXICO- On Sunday, women in Mexico took to the streets to protest violence against women.  Some groups of women turned the streets of the nation’s capital into a violent war zone, with scenes only seen in terrorist attacks.

According to reports from BBC News, more than 60 people were injured, and thirteen people were taken to the hospital. The women used explosives and launched Molotov cocktails at different locations. One of the locations targeted was towards the female police guarding the National Place, but instead of hitting the female police, the explosive set on fire one of their own women protestors.

Mexico city had firemen and paramedics ready to deal with terrorist attacks, helping women who were set on fire.

The female demonstrators, dressed in black wearing masks, destroyed historic monuments, smashed windows, scrawled graffiti on sidewalks, attacked the female police, and including other women protesters. The weapons the demonstrators used were gasoline, fire, hammers, bats, and empty bottles. The organized women in masks vandalized the city while many other women screamed at them, “No violence, no violence,” as disapproval for the destruction and violence they provoke in the peaceful march.

The city displayed an excellent team of firewoman, policewoman, and paramedics, yet much female police were attacked by the woman in black.

Many of the violent groups of female protesters were organized by far-right groups who also brought men with hammers who “broke through the barricades that were protecting national monuments,” explains Rata Politica news outlet while transmitting the images on live video on youtube: In the video, the man with a hammer with a pink shirt on his head is identified.


Many women complained about the violent women and men with masks who infiltrated the march creating chaos in the city. One of the masked women went as far as talking to the media blaming the government for Molotov bombs they themselves launched injuring one of their own group. That statement was immediately debunked by several national newspapers. Radio Formula, national news outlet, explains many infiltrated groups of women brought explosives to the march, and one of those launched the Molotov cocktail at the female police who were protecting the national palace, and other locations, but instead burned several women, one of them currently hospitalized with 3rd-degree burns.

During the march, female protestors shouted at the violent female protestors to get out of the march, to which the violent protestors said they would not leave, the statement that was captured live on video during the Rata Politica news youtube live transmission.


Other Mexican women, stopped the vandalism by putting herself between the violent woman and a national monuments they were destroying, no only with pain, but with hammers. These types of scenes were repeated though out the city and capture on video.

In other locations, another group called ADELITAS caused property damaged to a McDonalds, Starbucks, KFC, and other local stores that were painted, vandalized, or set on fire.

There were no male police protecting the streets. City major, Claudia Sheinbaum, used only female police to protect monuments, public property, and to protect the peaceful protesters from harm by the violent female and male infiltrated groups.  In the video below a  female asked the group of women in black to stop vandalizing the stores. She shouts at them “This is a peaceful march.”

These groups of violent women dressed in black and with masks have been showing up in several marches. In one of the previous feminist marches, the woman in black send a journalist and three policewomen to the hospital.  Some of the marks violent women have been identified in the past as foreigners because of their accent.

These violent groups of women in black started creating chaos after Mexico voted for its first progressive president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), who took office in 2019. A historic event due to the massive voter turnout that removed the two-party system that ruled Mexico for 70 years. The former two-party system (PRI and PAN) left power with a trail of corruption scandals.

Many former officials have been under investigation for years, and many were arrested in 2019 by the FBI, for having connections with the cartels, racketing, money laundry, and drug-trafficking, among other charges. The two most recent cases involve former Pemex director Javier Lozoya, who was on the run and recently arrested by Spanish police, and the shocking arrest by the FBI of former National Security advisor, Garcia Luna, the man who was in charge of Mexicos public safety, who instead ended up protectin the organized crime, instead.

The new government lead by Lopez Obrador is focused on tackling corruption in the government, so far the federal government has been successful in cleaning the house off corruption. The president opened all secret files showing the corruption between several journalists and the former government. AMLO also closed the scandalous federal police who many news outlets and even book authors wrote of the tremendous corruption of federal Police and the collusion with the Sinaloa cartel.

During the house cleaning transition, many corrupt groups (not related to drugs), were shut down, and fake nonprofits were also brought to light, and it is ongoing, even American and Spanish multinationals were cough red-handed. Walmart for Tax evasion, and Pepsi for stealing millions of dollars of electricity from the Mexican Federal Comision, CFE

The now two-party system (PRI and PAN) have become the opposition party, and they are also not too happy losing the power they hold for 7 decades. Hence, it has now become a national comedy every attempt, from these interest groups and the opposition, to sabotage the government with shows like the one seen by the “women and black” at the Sundays’ women’s march. So much so that Mexican citizens have taken to social media to turn their antics into parodies and memes.

The video in the tweet below shows a meme parody of the Mexican opposition male, a piggy dressed like the women in black while pretending to order them to vandalize the city.

Hundreds of professional videographers and photographers are seen tagging alone the violent woman-in-black.  No one knows who they are, but their images are circulated worldwide online and use by U.S. corporate media.


Source: NPR, Reutes  Rata Politica, Radio Formula Guru Politico BBC News


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