The National Electoral Institute (INE), threatens to put the President of Mexico in prison if he continues to speak about his vaccination achievement

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MEXICO–The National Electoral Institute (INE) lead by Lorenzo Córdova, t
hreatens to put the President of Mexico in prison if he continues to speak about his achievements like Covid-19 vaccinations, while at the same time it allows AMLO’s opposition to do political propaganda about the same thing, while taking the credit for it.


The INE was created by former president Salinas de Gortari in the mid 90s right after he approved the Free Trade Agreement and installed the neoliberal economic model.

Right after President Lopez Obrador took office in 2019, he initiated a re-construction of Mexico’s health care system to offer universal healthcare and free medications. This also includes a substantial budget to build hundreds of hospitals nationwide, an effort that was recognized by the United Nations and the World Health Organization.

But recently the INE invented new rules that prohibits the president from talking about a range of topics, including the Covid-19 vaccination program– which has already vaccinated millions of covid doctors and senior citizens and is currently vaccinating teachers. The INE therefore, has prohibited any mention by the President of covid healthcare efforts until after the June elections this year, because it considers it “propaganda.”

And just as insane as this censorship sounds if this was done to President Biden in the united States, the Mexican Electoral Institute has simultaneously allowed the opposition party free range of propaganda, voter fraud, and vote bribes. One example is the  PRI governor of Jalisco who this week posted propaganda videos on twitter taking the credit for AMLO’s vaccination program and construction of hospitals.

On his twitter account, the governor has at least 19 similar videos, yet the INE does not sanction or censor the governor as they do to AMLO.

The other example is the recent cargo of food baskets in the state of San Luis Potosí, run by the opposition, to bribe residents to vote for their party. For years political candidates have mastered the art of paying for votes. One example of that is to offer free items in exchange for electoral card number. With this arrangement, voters have to come back and vote for them.

President Lopez Obrador has been combating the systemic corruption that swallowed Mexico the last 36 years. Therefore, his party MORENA passed a reform to make it a crime to commit electoral fraud.


Before threatening President Lopez Obrador, the INE banned more than 50 candidates for governor, city council, and congressmen from the President’s party, so they won’t be able to participate in the June elections. Jacobin Magazine explains the intent by the INE to sabotage AMLO’s administration and his party MORENA.

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