Mexico investigates six “high level” officials for medication shortages and 3.5 billion theft

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For months, there have been reports about Mexico’s cancer medication shortage. People kept on pointing the finger at president Lopez Obrador. New revelations show that it has never been a shortage of medication due to the Federal government or the executive fault, but instead, a large conspiracy to sabotage the government’s new Universal Health Care system was uncovered.

The federal government has discovered a large corruption scheme that involves former and current Healthcare Department employees, as well as a director of a Children’s Hospital, the pharmaceutical Pisa, distributors, and subcontractors.

Medications were hidden in warehouses and some even contained mold and other irregularities. Former opticians were not only part of the conspiracy but they also ran private pharmacies whose supply came from stolen public hospital medications.

Secretary of the Public Function (SFP), Irma Eréndira Sandoval, revealed that there are six open investigations against senior officials from the health sector for the provoked shortage of medicines; also for the illegal collection of fees. She also indicated there are looking into 65-thousand million pesos (3.5 billion USD), in where officials from different areas, including pharmaceutical and health, are involved.

“The cases under investigation is the neurology department of inecof the hospitals, and there are other half a dozen high-level investigations, I can’t tell you all of them, but about half a dozen cases.”

In addition, Sandoval is investigating the so-called “super delegates” and delegates who exercised and coordinated resources in past administrations. She revealed that two of them already are in the process to been sanctioned.

“There are others cases that under investigation are already under an administrative sanctioning process. A process of responsibilities. I also have to point out that it”s not only the delegates who are misnamed superdelegates, but also delegates who also exercised resources and coordinated social programs in the past government. So it is an investigation that involves both delegates from the previous government, as well as delegates at the Heath Department who are still working under this administration ”said Sandoval.”

According to information from Telediario newspaper; Although the directors of the hospitals have already accepted the new Universal Healthcare called INSABI, Secretary Sandoval, confirmed the private investigation process against the director of the Children’s Hospital of Mexico, Jaime Nieto Zermeño, is still open. The other open case is against the director of the hematooncology department of Children’s Hospital, which case has been under investigation for several months, as well as a sanctioning process.

Source: Gato Politico

This article is available in Spanish

Esta Nota en Espanol

Van por 6 funcionarios de ‘alto nivel’ por desabasto de medicamentos; irregularidades por 65mil mdp
SFP va por 6 funcionarios por desabasto de medicamentos; detectan irregularidades por 65 mil mdp
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