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During President Lopez Obrador  press conference,  he highlighted the economic fraud,  corruption,  or simply the fallacy of thousands of non governmental organizations created with good intentions but whose budgets rarely reach the people in need of economic aid.

AMLO used the, U.N as an example explaining that the, U.N. creates all kinds of NGOs which budgets get allocated only to paying the high-paying salaries of the nonprofits’ employees and executives, and rarely econmic aid reaches poor people who need it.

The president highlighted how U.N.’s NGO’s budgets are wasted on trips, hotels, and luxury items, and he compared the U.N. with emporiums where people and for profit companies can sell and buy.

“The policies that the UN sometimes applies is to create Non-governmental organizations for everything, and those who work for these organizations earn in dollars and thousands of dollars. And all these NGO’s budgets remain in this bureaucracy, and nothing reaches the people who need it.”

AMLO critized the U.N. for not havent done any important or trancedent accion in benefit of the poor of the world, in all of the U.N.’s 50 yers existence.

“Never has the United Nations carried out an important [and] transcendent action for the benefit of the world’s poor. And the economic aid that the people in these countries need rarely or never arrives.”

AMLO say he is planning on sending his statement to the U.N. to see if polices could gerlt adjusted and fixed.

“Nunca  nociones unidas a llevado acabo una acción importante transcendente en beneficio de los pobre del mundo. Y noble llaga nada a la gente que lo necesita. “

Las politicas que aplica aveces la ONU es de crear organismos para todo y los que trabajan para esos organizamos ganan en dólares y miy been.. Y todos los presupuestos se queda en este burocracia,  y no le llega nada a la gente que lo necesita.

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