The World Health Organization congratulates Mexico for the handling of the Coronavirus

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The World Health Organization (WHO) congratulated the Government of Mexico for the measures it has applied in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as its decision to keep many of them in force until the epidemiological situation in the country improves, it reported. the Ministry of Foreign Relations (SRE).

The World Health Organization (WHO) also noted that the economic aid plan launched by the Government of Mexico “demonstrates its long-term vision of the road ahead.”

“In response to the Mexican consultation, the @WHO congratulates @GobiernoMX for its work to face the # COVID19 pandemic and expresses its agreement on the model that our country will follow from June 1, including its implementation strategy of evidence.”

En respuesta a la consulta de México, la @WHO felicita al @GobiernoMX por su labor para hacer frente a la pandemia del #COVID19 y expresa su coincidencia por el modelo que seguirá nuestro país a partir del 1 de junio, incluyendo su estrategia de aplicación de pruebas.

These is the document the WHO sent to the government of Mexico. Another positive result of AMLO’s corona virus task force who has done an excellent job handling the corona virus. Mexico was the first country who took quick measurements since December pf 2019.

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